How we broke up and rebuilt our relationship : 7 rules that helped us build a solid marriage

Read it on Medium here My husband and I have been married for more than a decade now and have been partners for almost double that. Today, we have a fairly solid marriage; meaning there are days we absolutely cannot stand each other but still manage to work like a well-oiled machine. And there are most of the other days where we know without a doubt that there is no one else we would rather spend our lives with. This well-oiled machine did not spring up overnight though. The drafts were made much before we even got married. Because much before we actually got married, we broke up. Much like a phoenix, we rose from the ashes. We crashed and burnt. But, we also rebuilt something from those ashes. We rebuilt a stronger relationship and ultimately our marriage. The history When the man and I met, we were young, starry eyed and hopelessly in love. We moved quickly. Within a few months, we moved into a house and less than a year in, we moved cities so he could be closer t...