Enthusiasm or Adrenaline????
It seemed very easy..sign up and you have a blog of your own, post your thoughts, share them with people. But once the initial rush of adrenaline is over, it is a very painful process of sitting down and then disseminating thoughts as you write them into two buckets : one in which you put highly artificial but mature sounding ones and the other where you put in ones that come spontaneously but exposure of those to the public will surely brand you not fit for society . And that is when I realise, the reason i signed up in the first place, is because it saves me the trouble of trying to look for appropriateness and acceptance, and instead just go ahead and write what i feel like!!!
Just got back from dinner....got me wondering why these corporates first have us pay some 300 bucks a month for food that results in doctors' bills for 3000 bucks. Might as well add that to our salaries, and let us spend that money on good food. But i guess their list fo perks that come with the job wouldn't look as attractive then. which at the end of the day, leaves me no choice but to curse the food i eat, and occassionally treat myself to good food from outside.
Later then.....till I can get my brains to think of something other than the unadulterated pleasures of great cuisine!!!!
Just got back from dinner....got me wondering why these corporates first have us pay some 300 bucks a month for food that results in doctors' bills for 3000 bucks. Might as well add that to our salaries, and let us spend that money on good food. But i guess their list fo perks that come with the job wouldn't look as attractive then. which at the end of the day, leaves me no choice but to curse the food i eat, and occassionally treat myself to good food from outside.
Later then.....till I can get my brains to think of something other than the unadulterated pleasures of great cuisine!!!!