Guys and all!!!!

Recently mother dear asked me to write a little something on what i'd learnt from living with guys, how it was overall, the good, bad and the ugly. Got me thinking on what wow parents i have, not only willing to let their daughter live with guys, they were never paranoid that she might be sleeping with them;( they didn't even go right through the roof when they learnt i was living in with one of them), nor about the shocked neighbour aunty sayin "haa..she's living with boys you know" looking like she'd have a stroke if ever faced with the prospect of knowing another similar person. Also got me gloating a little, having lived for over a year with different guys in different places, i consider myself quite an expert on what it takes to live with guys..might actually write my own book on my experiences some day ;-), though i might well have to go into hiding after that,which means all my dreams of achieving authordom are shelved for the next 45 years atleast :(((
Right now though, this is what my guide to living with guys looks like

Living with guys!!!!
1) no ego hassles
2) no sharing problems, i.e. most things can't be shared so it avoids unpleasant sits.
3) are not finicky about the palce being spick and span, so u don't get dirty looks if ur room seems disorderly
4) guys don't treat disagreements like the end of the world so friendships remain intact.
5) since ur female, u get taken care of a lot, pampered quite often coz most of them see a younger sister in you.
6) You learn to rough it out, not havimg a fridge/cooker/gas….etc is not a disaster. You always find a way to work around it.
7) don't have to bother about how much wt you put on/not having waxed in a long time….coz frankly guys don't care.

Key Learning Points:

Living with guys is any day a more comfortable option than living with girls provided:
A) You know the guys ur living with coz u don't want a guy u thought was decent turning out to be a drunken devil one night.
B) You know that the guys are comfortable with it, and doesn't lead to them getting stupid ideas about the kind of person you are.
C) Your parents or people who matter know ur living with guys, and whther its platonic or not. You don't want folks calling up one day and saying "you know what I heard something the other day form someone……."
D) Share a house, not a room, unless it’s a live-in. You don't want ur guy friends to know how lacy ur lingerie is.
E) The only thing guys are really finicky about is money, so make sure you pay ur share without too much coaxing, and don't let the pampering extend to money.

Most Improtant…you have to be a person who's not uncomfortable about guys lounging about in just shorts(or less), with language that is definitely not pleasant on the ears, and is essentially not averse to innumerable tales of knight saving damsel in distress (translated as roomie barely managing a smile out of some woman he fancies) told in highly drunken state. Basically, it’s a great ride if you’re a guy's girl and not a LADY.


hmmmmm! very useful tips methinks...

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