Back Again

Haven’t written for so long, feel odd putting words to paper..ok comp screen, again!!! So to continue with my travails of house hunting, after more than a week of raised eyebrows, ready to kill brokers and general chaos, I finally found a house J ))) a lovely one bedroom hall kitchen apartment, in a nice locality…ok just outside posh locality..(I had to compromise somewhere no?), with a landlord who has absolutely no problems with the fact that I’m single, working and have a rocking social life . Am still not done thanking all my stars. Actually that is when the real chaos started.
I was barely done breathing in relief at finding a house, than all the other nitty gritties came into the picture, how I was going to manage the 10 month advance and the shifting and unpacking, and set up a house with my more than inequipped and mismatched belongings. Thanks to very dear friends, I managed the packing and shifting and unpacking, also managed to set up a decent house with generous donations of vessels, buckets etc from same generous and wonderful friends. But ofcourse….never do good times last for so loooong; I should’ve suspected something would seriously go wrong the minute I noticed things moving smoothly for too long, but dumb ever optimistic me, I never stop hoping life’ll not be a bitch sometime.
So…I have this nice house where I can enjoy being alone and generally the pig I am without any guilt whatsoever, and my asthma which has been dormant for years now, which hasn’t reared its ugly head when I’ve lived in the dustiest of places, not when I’ve smoked so many ciggies that my throat feels like its on fire and nothing but beer can soothe it; decides this is the time to do a little knock knock…a little me too act. Here I am looking forward to my trip home in not more than 4 days and mentally ticking off things to do at work, and suddenly the huffing and puffing start..and this is where my stupid brain just stops thinking.
Instead of immediately taking a puff of that life saving inhaler, I decide to first investigate if it is really bad. Grab my purse and house keys, step out in my pajamas, leave my link to the whole world at home, and go looking for a bloody peak flow meter(PFM), and now in retrospect I wonder if that is what its called..considering not a single medical store big or small had ever heard of it, leave alone keeping it. So here I am roaming all over town in my torn pajamas looking for a bloody PFM and the more I run about ,the worse the huffing and puffing become, until I finally sound like those whistles we blow into the reynolds pen caps…more hiss than that my brains totally stopped thinking rationally I call up V who stays close by, raise a whole lot of panic, and when he finally finds me, do the most sensible thing which if I’d done 20 minutes earlier, I’d have been saved all this trouble and more that I didn’t know was in store then. I bought an inhaler and used it. What happened after requires a whole post, will subject you to that one later……till lesson learnt right now..
Never trust things when going smooth…..there’s an even bigger block waiting to knock the breath(literally) out of you.


Anonymous said…
Ouch!! That must have hurt....


You sure have a full basket....rocking social life and a goddamn asthma.

Have a great week ahead....and hope god grants you the wisdom to avoid such disasters


The Hissing Saint

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