My father- My hero
Ever since I can remember, he's been my partner in most crimes, whether its sneaking off for a movie, or buying me stick ice cream when I had strict orders from mummy to not touch them with a bargepole. Been the strongest advocate at times I needed it the most, from permission to go to movies with friends, to staying out late at parties, to going ahead with my board exams even though I was 2 years ahead. A rock like support I know I can depend on at all times. And an indulgent father I know I can get my way with most of the time. If I had to name the one person who has pampered me the most, it would undoubtedly be my father.
Through the years, my relationship with my father has gone through multiple changes, the bond keeps getting stronger, but the different shades of the equation that I have found with him have at times amazed me, at others overwhelmed and at yet others left a warm feeling in my heart that keeps me going no matter what.
The past few weeks have brought on very very tough and dismal times for me. They have involved changes in my life that I hadn't dreamed of. They have reiterated the fact that nothing..absolutely nothing in life is certain no matter how much one tries to put things in place, no matter how much one minimises the chances of things veering from the course set for oneself. Being in a profession which aims to gain as much control as possible over operations and eliminate chance, being in a role that is fundamentally geared towards leaving as little to chance as possible, this has been a lesson learnt in good help me see the other side of the coin as well.
Through all this, my father has been beyond understanding, he has been intuitively supportive. Even though he lives half the country away, he's been as good as holding my hand every day, every minute, guiding my steps, giving me strength. Much needed strength to wake up every morning and look forward to things. When I've raged at everything , he's helped me find perspective. When I've misunderstood my mom, he's helped me see how much she's done for me.
For all this and more, here's to a father that I am proud to have. A father that I couldn't have asked for even if I had listed everything on my wishlist..he's that and so much more.
Through the years, my relationship with my father has gone through multiple changes, the bond keeps getting stronger, but the different shades of the equation that I have found with him have at times amazed me, at others overwhelmed and at yet others left a warm feeling in my heart that keeps me going no matter what.
The past few weeks have brought on very very tough and dismal times for me. They have involved changes in my life that I hadn't dreamed of. They have reiterated the fact that nothing..absolutely nothing in life is certain no matter how much one tries to put things in place, no matter how much one minimises the chances of things veering from the course set for oneself. Being in a profession which aims to gain as much control as possible over operations and eliminate chance, being in a role that is fundamentally geared towards leaving as little to chance as possible, this has been a lesson learnt in good help me see the other side of the coin as well.
Through all this, my father has been beyond understanding, he has been intuitively supportive. Even though he lives half the country away, he's been as good as holding my hand every day, every minute, guiding my steps, giving me strength. Much needed strength to wake up every morning and look forward to things. When I've raged at everything , he's helped me find perspective. When I've misunderstood my mom, he's helped me see how much she's done for me.
For all this and more, here's to a father that I am proud to have. A father that I couldn't have asked for even if I had listed everything on my wishlist..he's that and so much more.