I tend to tire of things after a period..thankfully..the trait does not extend to people..or so i like to think :) I think i tired of the blog too..the colours..the theme just didn't do it for me...

The change now is in keeping with the theme in my life currently...underwater..the sea..

There is something about the sea that has always tugged at my soul. Never have I felt as much at peace with myself, as much in awe of nature, as much in love with the world as when I am near the sea...Never has anything in nature given me so much insight into myself....not with anything else can I identify as closely as I can with the sea

The pull of a calm sea is enchanting, as it invites you into its open arms..to partake of the beauty it offers, of the tranquility it lends to everything around and within you. You wade in a little, and are delighted with the soft kisses, the way the waters tease you, not knowing when it will decide to give into your yearning, let you have a taste of its cool comfort. As you go in deeper, the water takes you in comepletely, covering you with all the goodness in it. You let it wash over you and feel it ebb and rise with each wave..feel yourself buoyed each time it comes to take you in again...feel the pull as it pulls away from you...the sea is the place I would want to live in..

But as you go in deeper, you realise all's not as beautiful, not as guileless as it seemed to be. The kisses, the teasing, the all enveloping arms are only at the surface..below are strong currents, angry currents..strong enough to uproot you completely..angry enough that you might not survive if it decides to direct it's wrath at you. As you feel the currents under you..as one huge wave after another tries to get you down, as you struggle to fight for breath after each wave that lashes at you..you're awed by the sheer power of water. Everytime you come up for air..you see either solid land..far far behind..or the vast expanse of water..shimmering in the sun..each angle a different hue..way beyond what the eyes can see..and you cannot but be humbled by the realisation of how tiny a speck you really are...how insignificant in the larger scheme of things your day to day tragedies are..

That is what the sea offers me....open acceptance of who I am..what I stand for. At the same time.. it humbles me completely..offers me solace from what I consider insurmountable difficulties, takes me way beyond petty thoughts..helps me put things in perspective..

I leave this week to find myself again..to come back renewed with a sense of who I am....to come back put firmly back in my place :)


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