
Showing posts from May, 2009

And just sometimes...I inflict torture too :-D

Life seemed good, not ecstatic, but content And you walked in, dazzlingly brilliant, What more could I have asked for, What more could I have wished? Nothing better that God could have sent. My own private paradise, Within your arms, In the depth of your eyes. I’ve seen them laugh, I’ve seen them cry, I’ve seen our love ignite them, At times with desire, At times shy. A dream that we have lived, Seen it torn, Thrust into misery, A dream thus shorn. A chance to renew, A chance to set right. When all has seemed of despair, A way to walk into the light.

Other tragedies

I decided to lose a little weight and found a place that said swimming center close to my house. All excited, I finally managed to move my ass and go investigating like 2 months after I saw the swimming center. Turns out it's a Slimming center!!! So much for my lovely eyes! All beauty and not of much use! weight loss happening for me! To actually do something expressly for the purpose of losing weight? Which is really all that I want? Totally beneath me :-P So then I went and joined dance classes. Life was all good, swinging and all that. And then my ankle gives up on me!! Something about prolonged abuse. What is this world coming to? With inanimate parts of one's body throwing legal jargon at oneself???!!! *Sob* Anyway..point being..weight loss? Not happening again!!! And then I thought I'll like smoke a coupla extra cigarettes. Control the hunger pangs so to speak, and there's only one kind of hunger am referring to here. All you people with dirty dirty minds,...

To the sound of groans? Or applause? :-D back! A year or more(?) of not writing. Not not wanting to write, but just..not writing. I'd been trying to figure out what it was that kept me from penning my thoughts down; and inspiration!! It was the theme! Daft I am I know..don't tell me..but it took me a year to figure out that the way the blog looked, all sad and droopy eyed was completely in contrast to the way I've been feeling. Everytime I looked at it, I couldn't get myself to write morose stuff, and I couldn't see myself writing sad, weepy, self involved (Ok, I take that back), but self pitying stories any more. So step with the way my life has been..I present coffee(ey) Papoosh :-). I know that's not a word, but it is my blog you know. I can make my own words here :-D And as a peace offering? No? Or something to make you feel better about the fact that my absence is not permanent after all? I knew that would work now..I present to you: Crunchy Trippy Strawberries Seriously? Since...