Scratch the itch I say!

So to use an oft abused phrase, I've been itching to write for a few days now. Now people who know me well enough would also know that my mother brought me up to believe good girls do not scratch. Alas, they would also know that this here..this me? Neither a good girl, nor am I averse to scratching :-D!
I have admittedly not been in the best of spirits..not the least owing to the fact that my dear, my loving, my smother me with love family has no idea where the keys to the bar are!!! Agreed that the last time the bar was opened, it was the hands of yours truly that lovingly brought out the bottle of Blender's Pride. The hand that put the bottle back (and not that lovingly) were definitely not mine though. Anyway, even if we were to put all the finger pointing aside (though why we would do that when it isn't really even half as fun is beyond me), the fact remains the keys to the bar are missing. And when my spirits go missing, my weekends do not really have that nice, hazy, trippy feel any more. Though, in all fairness it could also have to do with the fact that my glasses are usually only worn Monday to Friday. The mind however, chooses to tie its fate with the bar; people far wiser than me have attributed the sum of their worth to their minds' and I will not be fool enough to disagree.

That apart, news of the good kind! Though I would generally not deprive you 4 readers of mine of details, I have become slightly predisposed to superstition, and therefore shall keep mum for a little more time. Good news there is however, so please rejoice for me. And since you also know how supreme an effort it is for me to keep mum, now would be a good time for understanding nods and encouragement.

Coming back to my sinking spiritis, I have realised over conversations with other people who frequently find themselves in the dumps that I have a coping mechanism that actually seems to help. I have a happy place...erm..actually I have multiple happy places. When my spirits sink, I have no idea what would cheer them up and so I keep backups :-D....therefore the multiple happy places. One of them is sure to work. Also, these aren't really all places places as in markable on a map kind of places. They are more places in the "all in my head" kind of places. Places that I retreat to where nothing can touch me and I can pretend, even if only for a couple of hours that all is right with the world and we are just la dee da. And to the sounds of great cheering ( yes, all in my head, I know), I present "Suha's guide to not feeling sucky". Note:I dont say guide to beign happy, because we all know happiness is fleeting and is a state of mind and blah blah. Also, if it were so darned easy, the world would be full of benign smiling people who would high five each other all the time! Besides *gasp* there would be no need for a guide then; and where would I be then I ask you???

So.."Suha's guide to not feeling sucky" in order of preference (that is the order of what has worked the most). We are all about experimentation, if nothing else.

Happy Place 1:
One would need:
a) A coffee shop. Not Barista, coz they have the worst places to sit in, like you really are there for the coffee and not the conversations! Coffee Day mostly works pretty well; what with the bright colours, and soft, sink your butt in them couches, and while the coffee's not great, it is still not undrinkable. Oh plus, their music, when they do play it is not too loud.

b) Feel good music. No, not oh my soul is in agony kind of rock. Not I love you so kind of Pop. Currently, the Grey's Anatomy Season 5 soundtrack is as feel good as it gets. Smooth, lots of raw voices, sensuality, not much mush, and mostly a nice bluesy feel. Very feel good, very much the kind of music that reminds you of rain outside, while you sit at a window and watch the world turn greener, lusher, more beautiful by the minute. Now I know the weather's not at my command, but in my head, in my happy place, the music can make the weather seem nice. That's the beauty of the right kind of music.

c) A good book. Here I will not be too rigid. Pick up whatever you fancy as long as its not Paul Coelho or Ayn Rand. Why burden your mind when you're trying to lighten up and all that.

Curl up on couch, plug in the headphones, feel the music course through your veins, get lost in your book and there..that's an almost paradise right there. Oh..and coffee too :-)

Happy Place 2
One would need:

a) A two wheeler. Or for the weak hearted, a car. I have my trusty, battered but loved deeply Bordeauxsh. My Kinetic Nova 135. My escape from anywhere to somewhere else.

b) Good music. This time I will not be choosy. Pick your music.

Plug in headphones, get on your ride, take to the road, go where it takes you. Yes, if you're not used to riding with music, this might not be such a good idea. If you're like me though, doing anything without music is anathema. Which is why this is such a happy happy place for me. It combines music with my other favourite thing to do when I am mad/sad/glad (notice how you can cover almost the entire gamut of emotions with rhyming words?).

Happy Place 3
This is the one that needs the least effort. It involves:

a) A bed
b) you
And that's it. Music, books, food all of them are optional. Curl into bed, lose yourself for a couple of hours. And even if you feel crappy after you wake up, those few few moments when you open your eyes, those fleeting seconds when you stretch and smile and feel like all's right with the world..that's really what being happy is all about no? If only carrying that into the next few hours and then days wasn't such a task!

So there..that's my guide. I do realise all of them have music involved for me. Maybe my happy place is music after all..but music alone has never been as good as any of these.


Anonymous said…
happy place 4:

let ur forbidden fantasies be wild .... inhibition-who cares :)

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