Here we go again
Cursing our lives mundane
Not seeing, not caring
That the truth sits right here
In our faces
You said this
I said that,
You Vs Me
A never ending spat
It goes on
From day to day
Wearing us down
And slowly we drown
In an abyss of our own despair!
The misplaced glee at the other’s misery,
The force of our anger,
The weight of our agony,
Engulfs us, surrounds us,
Extracts from us,
Its bloody price.
And then suddenly,
Out of nowhere,
Without a whisper,
Without an inkling,
A smiles teases to escape,
To break free,
A breath of fresh air.
To Freedom,
We grope,
The smile, it beckons,
To Utopia,
A memory ,of good things, of warmth,
You pull at it,
I lunge for it,
And here we are again,
In lives arcane,
Tied together by hope,
By love, by marriage,
Our very own acrobatic