To Chinni: Daddy Dearest :-)

From Stick Ice Creams
To living my dreams,
From fairy tales
To weighing corporate scales,
You’ve been my guide,
My mentor, my ally,
You set the bar,
Been the best.
I love you
Daddy Dearest.

From you I learnt
How not to be burnt
By a book unwisely
Chosen. Instead, if I may,
Call it my talent to assay,
A book by its cover
Makes me quite the entertainer.
Of course, it is you
I owe this to,
You are the assayer ablest.
I love you
Daddy Dearest.

From seafood to mutton
I am a borderline glutton.
My love for food,
Dates back to girlhood,
When any restaurant,
New or old
We would go and explore
And let the magic unfold.
For culinary connoisseur
You are adeptest.
I love you
Daddy Dearest.

My partner in crime,
From you I get
My tendency to rhyme.
Life’s lessons you taught me
To always put first family.
In that too an order,
First preference to mother.
My pillar at my bleakest,
My cheerer when I’m weakest,
I love you bestest,
My Daddy Dearest.


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