Clickety Clack - Day 4
Today I actually was a little worried about being able to put anything here. A challenge is a challenge for a reason though and while I don't know how long I can keep up, day 4 is definitely not when I quit!
"Exactly. But why would you even want that? This here, this now is so much more fun and we could have such adventures" Shaoli's earrings glinted in her room lit by the mid day sun.
Adventures with yellow earrings! Shaoli shuddered at the very thought. Granted her life hadn't been anything to write home about till date, but it wasn't something that she really disliked. She liked living from one day to the next, each day seamlessly moving to the next. While there weren't massive highs, thankfully there weren't terrible lows either. She liked her well insulated life and here S2 seemed bent on turning that around!
Dressed in her trademark jeans and tee, wishing she could have the guts to pull off what she had seen S2 wear, Shaoli quickly picked up her purse, phone, keys and was about to step out when her earrings called out.
"Hey..try on a little eye liner. God knows it would do you some good"
"Uhmm..No? I like myself the way I am thank you"
" you're going to be playing the plain Jane? Suit could do sooo much better though"
"What do you mean?" Shaoli ventured carefully
"So what's with that Vyas guy? Are you never going to give him a little hint of what lies beneath your back slapping camaraderie?"
"None of your bloody business" Shaoli muttered under her breath as she tried to delicately use the eyeliner with her clumsy all thumbs fingers. She hoped getting the eyeliner on would be enough to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.
"If you say so. I'll let it go. For Now." S2 could be gracious, such a relief. "The eyeliner looks good. Next time i'll walk you through how to do it well. Where are we off to? Are we going to see other people? Will we be out dancing? Oh this is so exciting"
"Hold your damn horses. We're going shopping."
"What fun. We could redo your whole wardrobe. Get a little splash of colour in there. Add some feminine prints..Yay"
Shaoli rolled her eyes. She was reminded yet again of why she chose her largely solitary existence.
As they rode an auto to the shopping district, S2's constant chatter almost made Shaoli take her earrings off and fling them out the moving vehicle. The thought of a) losing her beautiful earrings and b) ending up spawning a not as friendly S2 kept her hands clasped throughout though. If she really tried hard, she could even call it a little endearing. S2 was seriously amazed at all that she saw around her. Up until now all that she knew of the world was gleaned from Shaoli's thoughts that she had been "born" with. To now see the real world gave S2 so much reference to context, she just couldn't contain her enthusiasm.
Also, she had been terrified of other people hearing coherent conversation coming from her ears. Now, Shaoli was aghast at realising this chatter was all for her. No one could hear a thing apart from her. She kept pinching herself to make sure she wasn't in some fugue state. Unfortunately, this was as real as it could get; with bruises to boot!
Shaoli got off at her destination and finished paying for her ride. As she turned around, her phone rang loudly and Shaoli jumped at a reminder of how life was still going on as if her world hadn't jut turned upside down a few hours ago.
"Who is it? Is it Vyas? Are you going to pick up? GO on..answer it. Let's call him here."
As Shaoli tried to gather her thoughts before she answered, the call got disconnected.
Vyas indeed had called and Shaoli just didn't know what to do.