Clickety Clack - Day 8

"It's time to up your game Shaoli. It's time to rock and roll" Shalini paid for the burger, picked up Shaoli's shopping and sauntered into the evening rush. 

Shaoli's mind raced as she tried to think of a way, any way to let Vyas know what today held in store for him. Having given up after what seemed like ages, she realised they were home. Shalini had flung her (earrings) on the bed and Shaoli decided the view wasn't very interesting.

Shalini had decided to really up the ante. She wore the new completely unShaoli like clothes they had picked up. Shaoli had to grudgingly admit Shalini did know how to do her body justice. She would never have imagined she could have looked that good. She oscillated between terribly wanting to be part of the evening and not wanting to have anything to do with it at all. She had no choice as Shalini decided to pick out a turquoise pair for the evening. Now that it seemed Shalini's purpose had been served, Shaoli wasn't needed in the slightest.

Shalini picked out the dressiest heels she could find, waved her reflection a kiss and walked out of the house. 

Shaoli let the panic subside and settled in to take in her new surroundings. The inside of her yellow crystal earrings weren't really drab at all. In fact, she was right now cosily ensconced in  a pink pouffy couch that could have belonged in any princess's quarters. There were curtains too, that changed colour as the light played on the earrings; one moment indigo the next green.

Suddenly she sensed movement in the house. Not sure if it really was too soon, or if Shalini's date had ended abruptly, she peeked through her colour changing curtains. 

The shadows cast by the streetlight across her balcony didn't flatter the intruder well. There was no way this was Shalini. Suddenly, there was a bright light shone directly into her eyes, a rough pair of hands grabbed her (and the earrings) and hurriedly shoved them into what seemed like a pocket that hadn't met detergent since the beginning of time.

She found herself jostling for space with a couple of her silver and gold anklets as well as whatever trinkets seemed remotely precious. As the thief grunted picking up her tv and walked out (she assumed) while looking regretfully at the washing machine and fridge he couldn't take with him, Shaoli laughed like there was no tomorrow.
Not only had her house been robbed, she had been as well! Normal seemed so far away that laughing like a maniac seemed the only rational thing to do!


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