What nobody told me about being a mother!

 September 6th 2012 . A day that turned our lives around forever. As with everything else in my life, my son's birth wasn't without it's own share of drama. That's another story for another time though.

My first memory of those mothering instincts taking over was when I burst into angry sobs when I woke up a few hours after my c-section. There were a whole bunch of random people (also known as huband, father-in-law, mother and the like) who were crowded around MY baby. Oh I was angry all right. I did what any rational woman would. I cried. Loudly. I wailed about how I hadn't even had a chance to hold my baby yet and everyone had already started smelling and taking away his new baby smell. It ensured everyone was very careful about holding the baby from then on, more to appease the mom than anything else!

That burst of possessiveness was something I was totally unprepared for. That is when I realised how one sided the resources you read while preparing for motherhood really are.I had read everything I could on being a new mom: the preachy articles, the wordy books, humorous blogs, the advice columns. Heck, I had read so much of these I could dish out advice and reference the right resource to women who had been moms far longer than me. I was prepared (mentally at least) for the sleepless nights, I was prepared for the unending crying, the nasty diapers, the overwhelming love, the dreaded post partum blues. I was also prepared to endure everything my little devil threw my way with a smile. Everyone did insist everything I could encounter lasted a few months at the most anyway. I had studied well, I was ready to take my exams and I keenly examined every emotion I went through.The next day I managed to sit up and hold my baby and I forgot everything I had learned. I looked at him and I realised how much I just liked being that way, just the 2 of us. And this nothing had prepared me for, Almost 4 years now and I still struggle to find anyone  mentioning how much fun being a mom is. Everything has been an adventure. From sitting for 16 hours in a rocking chair non stop feeding and soothing a colicky baby to picking toys and clothes for him. From playing on the swings to singing in the car. From tickle fights to lazing in on Sunday mornings. From impromptu baking sessions to mommy and sonny dates that we use to make pappa jealous. I almost felt wrong for enjoying myself so much. After all, everybody talked about the "heart exploding with love" watching your child. Everybody talked about how it is alright to feel sad. Nobody talked about having such a good time that you forgot your heart exploded until you saw your cherub resting, preparing for the next day's destruction. Nothing prepared me for the realisation that while I would love my boy to bits, I would genuinely enjoy being around him. That I would voluntarily choose his company over any number of other activities that might have seemed fun before I became a mom. And I was so glad that this was something I got to learn too.This is not to say I haven't had days when I JUST WANT AN HOUR OF SLEEP. But those have far been outnumbered by "WHEEE..LET'S DO THAT AGAIN" days. The journey of being a mom of a new born to being a mom of a feisty (extremely feisty) toddler has been more fun than anything else I have ever done. It has made me more open to seeing what life throws my way. It has brought with it a refreshing stability to my marriage. It has given me a person I genuinely like being around - my son. I love him to bits. 

Oh but I like him so much more!


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