
Showing posts from November, 2007

True Friendship

Just a friend: You: "My counselor told me I'm any counselor's dream come true. I really handled that situation well. Which is good for me right?" JAF: "Hmmn..true. Good so happy for you" ******************************** True Friend: You: "My counselor told me I'm any counselor's dream come true....." TF: "Har de har har har...snigger snigger" You: "hmmph" Like I firmly believe, with friends like I have, I really need enemies. Someone needs to love me right? right ?.. hello ?

Life's good...*or so I thought*

My life has been the kind of stuff movies are made of..the adrenaline boosting, leaving you with a "WOW" feeling kind of ride this weekend. The good, the bad, the weepy, the funny; all packed into two days. It's quite exhausting may I add. As you can tell from my previous post, Saturday didn't exactly start with tides of cheer and goodwill..but it picked up post that nevertheless. So, there I was feeling sorry for myself, unloved and ridiculously weepy when an old friend (SK) from school called to find out what decadent activity I had planned for the weekend. The, disbelief..yes, thats it..the downright disbelief in his voice was quite palpable. Anyway, once I had convinced him that seriously..really..honest to godly..I had a chaste weekend ahead of me, he decided to go right ahead and tempt me with visions of a land where the liquor flows freely, the cigarettes never stop lighting up and the music is always loud. And I am weak...I ha...

And just when you think you've crossed the bridge

One would think writing on this...ridding myself of all my sad, feeling sorry for myself thoughts should have made me stronger, should have made it easier to handle unsettling news right? Apparently life has decided that "THE BREAKUP" wasn't bad enough. That kind of lesson doesn't cut it when it comes to the delicate relationship that life and I have. So here I am, feeling sorry for myself again. I knew the good times had to end sometime..butI didn'texpect it to hit me so suddenly, so powerfully. News of someone you've loved with all your heart moving on is always painful. Problem is I had never felt that pain acutely till date. Granted I still don't know he's moved on..I still don't know he walking towards his happily ever after; but the suggestion is still there..and it tears my heart sears me to the bone. I try to shut those thoughts out...park them in a corner of my mind, to be examined later, to turn them over till they're worn....

And then I knew...

I should have known today would be the sort of disastrous day one only gets nightmares about when my gut told me sitting in office and listening to sad breakup songs was a better option than heading home. Unfortunately, me and my gut have a slight standoff going on. My gut doesn't listen to me, and I don't listen to it. Anyway...sometime around 3 in the morning, I finally decided to head home....the brave lady on my scooter..I can kick ass. My friends (and my insists I mention it), told me it was a bad idea..too cold, too little mirror broken, and one that is squint eyed..overall..not one of those nice...hop on for a ride...hum a nice tune kind of situation. By the time I had covered the 1.5 km stretch home, I had managed to hoodwink evil death (ok..exageggerating there..a wee bit, but its my blog dammmit)..well if you insist, I managed to avoid two large..really large hazardous potholes..and one crazy cab. Also, the distinct creaking sound that I though...

I, me, myself

Year ends always make me nostalgic. Well, one could argue it isn't technically the end of the year yet, but come Q4 and it might as well be the end of the year for me. As if there aren't enough complications in my life, my mind has decided to reminisce on two levels as well. There's a part of it that is more rooted in the present (meaning the weekend that just passed); the other has decided this is the right time for a walk down memory lane, pulling out random images from the journey that has been my life. Like I have said before, I don't profess to have much to do with my mind and its whims. It has a will of its own..and I more often than not indulge it. The weekend brought a close close friend to the city. Someone I have a lot to be thankful to. It wouldn't be stretching it too far if I said the life, the people I have in my life, the person I am today, post V is in a large part thanks to him. And it was fun. More fun than I have had in a long time. Juvenile joke...