
Showing posts from April, 2016

Clickety Clack - Day 8

"It's time to up your game Shaoli. It's time to rock and roll" Shalini paid for the burger, picked up Shaoli's shopping and sauntered into the evening rush.  Shaoli's mind raced as she tried to think of a way, any way to let Vyas know what today held in store for him. Having given up after what seemed like ages, she realised they were home. Shalini had flung her (earrings) on the bed and Shaoli decided the view wasn't very interesting. Shalini had decided to really up the ante. She wore the new completely unShaoli like clothes they had picked up. Shaoli had to grudgingly admit Shalini did know how to do her body justice. She would never have imagined she could have looked that good. She oscillated between terribly wanting to be part of the evening and not wanting to have anything to do with it at all. She had no choice as Shalini decided to pick out a turquoise pair for the evening. Now that it seemed Shalini's purpose had been served, ...

Clickety Clack - Day 7

Yes. I know this isn't technically day 7, I missed out 2 days there. I had my reasons though, Let's call them artist's privilege shall we? So here I am, finally with access to my computer after a 2 miserable days and the heat is unrelenting in its pursuit of my misery. I don't think even peeling off every layer I could would help. Aaaarggh. And the yellow tinge the world had taken on suddenly made sense. Shaoli tried gasping for breath and realised she really didn't need to breathe as such. She tried clawing through the glass to no avail. She tried screaming for help with zero results. She finally calmed down and waited for S2 to finish her ( her)  burger. "Calm down. I couldn't stay like that forever. There's so much to do, touch, feel, taste, explore. Living vicariously through you was getting quite boring. Besides, its not like you lead a very interesting life anyway" The horrifying realisation that this wasn't as ...

Clickety Clack - Day 6

And the day wore on! No respite in sight, Shaoli decided to get set shopping. Walking through the lanes, window shopping and sometimes bargaining just for the heck of it, Shaoli slowly let herself unwind. No matter how much she denied it, having the annoying S2 for company did actually make what she usually considered a chore appeal much more. "Tch..that kind of thinking could get you into a lot of trouble" She reminded herself. Eyeing a skirt that she secretly wished she could work up the guts to wear, she found herself thinking about Vyas and their friendship again. Now that S2 had mentioned it, she admitted to herself, maybe she did feel more than just platonic towards him. The unveiling of something this momentous upset her so much that she picked up the skirt anyway. "Hmmn..good choice. Now let's find a top and some accesories"   " Huh? Oh ok..yeah let's do that" "Are you alright? Are you actually agree...

Clickety Clack - Day 5

So continuous streak lasted all of 4 days before I just had to take a break. The running after the little devil coupled with the terrible Bangalore summer got to me so that I couldn’t move a finger without it exhausting me enough to sleep it off! Anyway, almost 24 hours of a snooze fest later, I am feeling much better. Vyas indeed had called and Shaoli just didn't know what to do. Shaoli tried to stay in the present, concentrate on keeping up sane appearances. S2’s constant chatter right in her ear however, relegated everything else to a distant background. Also jostling for space were her desires to call back Vyas and hide from him forever! she hated these messy situations. Another reason, she reminded herself, it pays to be mostly solitary! Vyas was a colleague she had met at one of her smoke breaks at work. Not having carried a light, she had asked the only other person for one. As if he had read her desire to completely avoid any conversation ...

Clickety Clack - Day 4

Today I actually was a little worried about being able to put anything here. A challenge is a challenge for a reason though and while I don't know how long I can keep up, day 4 is definitely not when I quit! "Exactly. But why would you even want that? This here, this now is so much more fun and we could have such adventures" Shaoli's earrings glinted in her room lit by the mid day sun. Adventures with yellow earrings! Shaoli shuddered at the very thought. Granted her life hadn't been anything to write home about till date, but it wasn't something that she really disliked. She liked living from one day to the next, each day seamlessly moving to the next. While there weren't massive highs, thankfully there weren't terrible lows either. She liked her well insulated life and here S2 seemed bent on turning that around! Dressed in her trademark jeans and tee, wishing she could have the guts to pull off what she had seen S2 wear, Shaoli quickly ...

Clickety Clack - Day 3

Well well well..look who got herself to day 3! I was really skeptical about getting anything here today. Take a late night with friends the previous day, add in a cook no show today , throw in a Saturday with the little devil and his father both being at home all day and you have a recipe for not getting much time for yourself. Stir in a migraine just for the heck of it and looking back! So pardon me if I'm patting myself on my back a little (the contortion required is hilarious)! "Ooooh Wow..this is soooo much better" Shaoli's earrings quipped. Resigned to a day of constant commentary Shaoli ventured to ask "So now that you're not my relfection, what do I call you?" " know how many versions of myself I can see in these pretty pretty earrings? me anything; its not like you're going to have to adjust to a major change in habit right? Oh wow..did you just see me twirl?" Shaoli sighed...this excitement...

Clickety Clack – Day 2

Today is the real challenge. I’ve been busy ticking what seems like a million things off my to do list. To top that, I’ve very dear friends coming over for dinner and chatter. Also, having had an almost entire day (Friday) of no power a terrifying thought just occurred to me! What if life is really imitating art? I better tape my damn mirror’s mouth shut!!! Anyway, day 2 and I’m writing this as my little devil is busy turning the house upside down; 2 challenges in one: not only do I have to write, I have to do it with the added hurdle of multiple distractions. What fun!   Shaoli looked back in terror. Her mirror had just offered her company. Her lips let out a tentative “hello?” even as her brain tried to rationalise what had just happened. She turned around, and there, staring right back at her was her reflection. Well, not quite her reflection. It looked like her alright, but dressed very very differently. Shaoli was dressed in the aforementioned three day old smelly pair o...

Clickety Clack - Day One

5 years of idle fingers. 5 years of life taking over. 5 years of husband and doggy and then baby who is now on his way to growing himself those wings that take  20 odd years and I finally work up the courage to put words to paper (screen). What planets aligned in such perfect order I wonder? Nevertheless, this is my resolution for this year. 4 months too late but today, my friend, is Vishu. Having multiple ethnic roots is great that way;I get to choose my new year too and start working on my resolution whenever..and I choose today . Ha! Great way to jinx those resoltuions? Announce them to the whole world. So here goes.. a 100 days of writing challenge. From me to myself. The fan continued regurgitating hot, sweaty, humid air. Shaoli had just stubbed out what seemed like her hundredth cigarette of the day. She reached out for one more and the empty pack mocked her. Maybe now she'd change out of those smelly three day old clothes and step out? Not to be defeated so easily, s...